The Software Engineering Lead

Software Engineering Leads

I have been working as a software engineering lead in my current company since 2022. Even though I perform various tasks in my daily work, there are only two jobs in software development that require my attention. Where role does the Software Engineering Lead play in the big picture? The term “software development” refers to… Continue reading The Software Engineering Lead

Story of a Keyboard Handcrafted from a Cardboard Box

keyboard handcrafted from a cardboard box

Currently, when it comes to wireless keyboards, most of us will immediately think of keyboards that connect to computers through Wireless technology (like Bluetooth). It’s interesting when there is a “wireless” keyboard that cannot input data into the computer. That is a keyboard handcrafted from a cardboard box. The early days I learned to use… Continue reading Story of a Keyboard Handcrafted from a Cardboard Box

One-on-Ones: Building Authentic Relationships

(Illustration) I was talking with my friend at work

I have been a one-on-one (1:1) practitioner since 2020. Back then, I took on the official role of Tech Lead for the first time, working directly with two teams (8 members). The original idea was simple. I scheduled a one-hour meeting with each member per quarter. In the meeting, I tried to be a good… Continue reading One-on-Ones: Building Authentic Relationships

Building Software Engineering Teams

building software engineering teams

As a software engineer, you usually work in a team. Have you ever wondered why the team matters? Why is diversity important in a team? And is there a universal best practice to build effective teams?