Qualities of a good software development standard

Qualities of a good software development standard

Let’s take a closer look at the qualities that characterize a good software development standard, so we can understand it in more detail. Relevance Clarity The content is obviously and straightforward. Direction The content provides a call to action that audiences understand what to do next. Boundaries Validity Timeliness Trustworthiness

Yet Another Software Development Standard Template

Qualities of a good software development standard

Why does the Software Development Standard matter? How does one solve a specific problem, such as creating a Spring Boot module? Are there any company conventions or enforcements? These questions often come up from developers. This is where software development standards can help. A developer can follow the document to solve the problem asynchronously, rather… Continue reading Yet Another Software Development Standard Template

Story of a Keyboard Handcrafted from a Cardboard Box

keyboard handcrafted from a cardboard box

Currently, when it comes to wireless keyboards, most of us will immediately think of keyboards that connect to computers through Wireless technology (like Bluetooth). It’s interesting when there is a “wireless” keyboard that cannot input data into the computer. That is a keyboard handcrafted from a cardboard box. The early days I learned to use… Continue reading Story of a Keyboard Handcrafted from a Cardboard Box