Building Software Engineering Teams

building software engineering teams
building software engineering teams

The business changes. The technology changes. The team changes. The team members change. The problem isn’t change, per se, because change is going to happen; the problem, rather, is the inability to cope with change when it comes.

Kent Beck

As a software engineer, you usually work in a team. Have you ever wondered why the team matters? Why is diversity important in a team? And is there a universal best practice for effectively building software engineering teams?

The complexity of modern problems

Life contains lots of complex problems that challenge us in numerous ways. Take, for example, the monumental task of dealing with issues such as the COVID-19 pandemic—a global health crisis that has profoundly affected every corner of the world. It’s a stark reminder of the scale and complexity of the problems we face in the modern world. Furthermore, it’s vital to understand that change is not just inevitable, but an integral part of our existence. There is no way for only a few individuals can solve any problem. Solving such issues requires a collective effort, cooperation, and understanding from everyone involved.

The importance of diversity

Generally, we need more specialists. When we have more specialists, we have more ideas to solve the problems. It is no doubt that we need diversity. The team needs diversity. It is imperative that we foster a diverse environment within our team, not only in terms of professional expertise but also in terms of cultural backgrounds, perspectives, and thought processes.

Building software engineering teams

There is no universal best practice to build effective teams.

Yaneer Bar-Yam,

While it is true that there isn’t a single, universally accepted best practice for constructing high-performing teams, there are certainly several strategies that can be employed with great success. The key is to focus on what will work best within the specific context of your organization.

How about the following three pillars?

Core values

Defining the core values of an organization is important. It is like a navigator for every person. People at all levels and in all roles work to reinforce the core values. Core values are the true “boss”. They are the foundations upon which the organization builds its strategies and future goals, ensuring that every action taken aligns with these fundamental beliefs.


Indeed, transparency supports communication. It is a principle that allows for a clear understanding and discourages misinformation. The truth is unchanging, not subject to interpretation or manipulation. Try to tell the truth when you have the chance. Doing so not only strengthens trust but also fosters an environment that encourages open dialogue and understanding.


People should be aware that they own their career.

All we need is for people to have the competence to get things done effectively. This competence should not only be reflected in their technical skills but should also be apparent in their problem-solving abilities and strategic thinking.

All we need is for people to have a nice and professional attitude. Such an attitude fosters a positive working environment which is essential for team collaboration and productivity. A professional attitude implies a high level of commitment to the job, respect for colleagues and the workplace, and a willingness to take responsibility.

In other words, what we need are individuals who are not only skilled but also have the right attitude at work.

What do you think? Take action now and create an environment that promotes collaboration and success.

By Huong Nguyen

I am a full-stack software engineer. I have working experience with Java, Node.js, Angular, PostgreSQL, Jenkins, and OpenShift. I enjoy spending time with my son and wife on weekends. I am also a book lover. All posts and content I share solely represent my own views and do not represent the views of my employer.

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